The Dragon Horde Mobile Application
& Thedragonhorde.com
Last updated August 20, 2023
Respecting your privacy.
We take your privacy very seriously. Our apps are designed especially for children, with special attention to online privacy.
We are proud to follow the best practices for kids’ apps.
Our apps:
This app is 100% COPPA compliant
(The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998)
(COPPA) is a federal law that imposes specific requirements on operators of websites and online services to protect the privacy of children under 13)
We Do not request, collect or share personal information
We Do not use push notifications
We Do Not collect location data
We do not have in-App purchasing
We Do not have third party advertisements
The term “personal information” refers to personally identifiable information through which a user can be identified as an individual. The term “Non-personal information” refers to information that does not directly identify a user.
Collection and Use of Personal Information
We do collect any personal information from children under the age of 13. If you believe we have mistakenly collected such information, please contact us so we can resolve the issue. The only “personal information” that collects is from parents and that takes place when 1. an adult contacts The Dragon Horde direct e-mail, or 2. when an adult subscribes to our newsletter. In the first (1) case we use the personal information only to directly reply to the specific inquiry and for no other purpose. In the second (2) case where a user has subscribed to our mailing list, personal information may be used specifically to inform the user on new updates, new app releases, gifts, discounts, special offers and other relevant material. The user has the ability to unsubscribe at any time.
Subscription to our mailing list via our apps is strictly for parents.
We do not share personally identifiable information (such as name, address, email, phone or any other type of data) with third-party companies or individuals.
Collection and Use of Non-Personal Information
Our apps may use tools or third-party analytical software* to collect non-personal information such as: app progress, session times, clicked objects and other non-personal information that may be used by us to enhance our apps and services and improve the overall game experience. This data is in a form that does not permit direct association with any specific individual. We do not share non-personal information with third-party companies or individuals
Push notifications and Location Data
Our apps do not use push notifications or collect location data.
Regarding our website
Collection and Use of Personal Information
The only “personal information” that we collecs via this website is when 1. a user contacts us via direct e-mail/contact form, or 2. when a user subscribes to our newsletter. In the first (1) case we use the personal information only to directly reply to the specific inquiry and for no other purpose. In the case (2) where a user has subscribed to our mailing list, personal information is used specifically to inform the user on new updates, new app releases, gifts, discounts, special offers and other relevant material. The user has the ability to unsubscribe at any time. We do not automatically collect personal information through this website. We do not share personally identifiable information (such as name, address, email, phone or any other type of data) with third-party companies or individuals.
Collection and Use of Non-Personal Information
We collect non-personal information via this website only through Google Analytics*. This data is in a form that does not permit direct association with any specific individual. All such information is collected via Google Analytics online service and is for statistic purposes only. We do not share non-personal information with third-party companies or individuals
Cookies and Other Technologies
Our website does not use “cookies” or any other tracking technologies. No automatic gathering of personal information takes place in any way.
We do not knowingly collect any personal information from children under 13 via our website or our apps. If you believe we have mistakenly collected such information, please contact us so we can resolve the issue.
* 3rd-party analytics companies may access anonymous data (such as your IP address or device ID) to help us understand how our apps are used. They use this data solely on our behalf. They do not share it except in aggregate form i.e. in a form that does not permit the identification of individual persons.
If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please contact us via our contacts page.
The privacy policy was last updated on October 11th 2016.
We respect your privacy!